Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From Solomon's Mouth to Sheba's Ears....What Black Men Are Really Looking For In Black Women

 "What is it that men really want from women?" Of course when answering that question for myself the obvious came to mind but I needed more substance.  I polled a group of delicious black men of various ages and backgrounds in search of my answer. I needed to hear it straight from their mouths and fingertips.  More specifically, I wanted  to know what it is that black men look for when trying to choose who will be their Mrs. Right as opposed to Ms. Right now.  A recent study stated that a staggering 48% of black women have never been married. So if our men aren't marrying us who are they marrying and why? I asked my delicious crew these three questions:  1. What are some of the things men look for when deciding to choose Mrs. Right  and not Ms. Right Now? 2. What are some of the factors that are instant turn-offs that might exclude a woman you are interested in from becoming your Mrs. Right? 3. What would be the ultimate indicator for a man to ask a woman to marry him?
 Here are the answers from my delicious crew:

     Of course we look for beauty and personality but at the end of the day we dig a little deeper and look for someone who is trustworthy, stable, smart and challenging. We like to feel exclusive.  A woman that gives you everything at the front door is a big turn off. I have to know that she is trustworthy and has faith in me and brings peace to my life when I need it. That would make me want to marry her.
     Me I'm checking her attitude and she has to be family oriented because mine is huge. I'm checking for how she handles pressure and her religious beliefs. Ms. Right now is just trying to have fun and has no direction and I don't have the time to show her. A woman with bad hygiene is an instant turn-off, also if she is too clingy and parties all the time and has no goals I can't do it. Ultimate indicator would be if she is genuine and can thug it out with me when things get tough.
     She has to have style, personality and skills in the kitchen and bed. She has to be family oriented, supportive and organized.  If she runs the street too much or too many people have access to her and she comes with a lot of baggage that's a turn-off.  If a man finds someone that gives him everything he is looking for and he believes that he will  never need to look for another woman than she is the one to marry.
     I look for someone who has good communication skills, is goal oriented and spiritual. If she has too many kids or kids fathers that's a turn-off. Anyone with poor work habits is a turn-off also. For me to want to marry her she has to be totally loving  and loyal.
   When looking for Mrs. Right it depends on the man's age group. For my age group I would say she can't have too many kids by different dudes that's a lot of extra responsibility and if a woman has that going on and in most men's minds her stock has decreased. She has to be clean who want a nasty woman and being an obvious gold digger is a major turn-off. For me to know that she might be the marrying kind my parents have to like her.
     She has to have a sense of humor and know a little about sports it's a straight turn on if she like both football and basketball. She has to be considerate, educated, spiritually grounded , outgoing and of course eye candy.  My turn-offs are a woman who does communicate well, isn't affectionate, doesn't take good care of her children and has no goals in life and she can't be too aggressive. For me I have to know that she is loyal and has my best interest at heart and that no woman alive can replace her. She would be the one God has chosen for me to marry.
  I can only speak for myself kids are a big deal breaker. If you see me with at chick with at kid she is just Ms. Right now. She has to be spiritual. We need to be able to worship together. She can't be stubborn and she has to know her role. She has to be hot even in a wife beater, sweats and a ponytail. Above all else she can't have Daddy issues.
  I believe for ever man it's different and a major factor that determines what he looks for in a woman is the type of woman he was raised by. If a man was raised by a strong woman who was a good communicator of life's realities and knew her worth he will look for the same type of woman.  So personally I have a thing for intelligent, good communicators with a broad sense of humor. She has to be caring but not overly sensitive and she has to be affectionate.

I found my delicious crew's responses to be insightful, poignant, honest and extremely funny. I had to edit some of these for the sake of sensitive eyeballs. Well Solomon has spoken now it time for Sheba to take notes. As you have read delicious black men are not as shallow as we perceive them to be, well some of them (LOL). Until next week when we meet. Same time, same channel I will leave with a picture of a fine specimen of dark chocolate. Cheese and crackers bless his mama and the words of one of the Songs of Solomon. As always have a great week! Church Hugs Gents, Diva Waves Ladies!!!

Songs of Solomon Chapter 4 Verses 9-16
  "Thou has ravishes my heart, my sister, my spouse; thous hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thine neck.
How fair is thy love. my sister, my spouse! How much better is thy love than wine! And smell of thein ointments than all spices!
Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb; honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon.
A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse;a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Thy plants are an orchand of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with spikenard.
Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinammon, with all trees of frankincense, myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices.
A fountain of gardens , a well of living waters and streams from Lebanon. Awake, O north wind and come thou south;blow upon my garden the spices thereof my flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden and eat his pleasant fruits...

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