Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Everything He's Not, Made Him Everything He Is!

Hey Party People, this week has been interesting to say the least. I had the opportunity to do one of my favorite things which is people watch. It might seem weird or quirky but that's what I like to do. I was at an all white theme party with some of my best friends and I was watching all of the brothers in their white looking clean and fine. A couple of them looking really fine. I mean finer than fine. Okay you get my drift. I just love black men and everything that comes along with them. The good, the bad and the ugly and when love someone completely and unconditionally you take everything that they are and accept everything that they are not. I also read my sister's blog and I won't say her name because she would kill me (Maria) and it made my heart melt.

She was describing something that is close and personal to her which is her intense love for her husband. I appreciate the man that he is and how he handles my sister. Watching them gives me hope for black love and black relationships in general. I actually cried while reading what she wrote because she basically described what it is I feel in my heart for my brothers. After reading her blog I was compelled to write this poem. Please enjoy!

With All of His Flaws

I love him more than he’ll ever know.
More that I could possibly ever show.
He’s everything I ever wanted and I told him so.
What he feels or thinks about that I may never know.
Tattooed his name across my heart in cursive script.
His presence is a present, definitely God’s gift.
What I see in him goes beyond the surface.
Despite what others may think he’s so worth it.
Because in my eyes he’s perfect, even with all of his flaws.

I think that just about sums this blog entry up so until next week. Same time, same channel I leave you with a picture of a delicious black man. My friend GS and a song by an awesome singer Heather Headley appropriately titled He Is. As always have a great week. Church Hugs Gents, Diva Waves Ladies!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Through The Wire.

I live in the city that the HBO TV series The Wire is based upon. I am a Baltimorean born and raised. I have never lived anywhere else. I have visited a multitude of places but this is home. I recently cast the lead male role for the sitcom that I have written. I cast Mr. Anthony Kelly Sr. an up and coming filmmaker based on our conversations about the city in which we both live and his perspective on what it is like to be young, black and living in America. Specifically living in a city where the average black male is sure to be incarcerated at least once in his life. A city where most of his peer don't graduate high school or live past their 25th birthday.
Anthony is a documentary film maker and during his travels along the corridors of Baltimore he films the struggles and frustrations of his peers. He is trying to address some of the issues causing young black men to go wayward. Issues such as poverty, fatherlessness, drug addiction(selling as well as using) and not having productive role models to help shape young men. I found it interesting that he has an aspiration is to be a film maker where most only see their ticket out of the "hood" in form a basketball, football or mixtape.

He sees this city and the people in it in a totally different light. Where one my see raw anger he knows behind that anger there is a story to be told. He is currently in the process of producing several 30 minute movies focusing on different scenerios that take place with black men within the community where he lives. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Our men are intelligent, caring, sensitive and misunderstood all at the same time. Anthony is making an effort to show the hows and whys things are the way they are for his peers and get from them what they feel may be solutions to their problems. Bravo!

So until next week, same time, same channel. I will leave you with a picture of a delicious black man Mr. AK and Kanye West's song Through The Wire. As always have a great week. Church Hugs Gents, Diva Waves Ladies.